RL2023-1 Advanced Meta-Analysis

RL2023-1 Advanced Meta-Analysis

Recorded On: 06/01/2023


Terri D. Pigott, Georgia State University

Tasha Beretvas, The University of Texas at Austin

Ryan Williams, American Institutes for Research

Wim Van den Noortgate, KU Leuven


This course will introduce advanced methods in meta-analysis. Topics covered include models for handling multiple effect sizes per study (dependent effect sizes) and exploring heterogeneity, the use of meta-analysis structural equation modeling (MASEM), and an introduction to single-case experimental design meta-analysis. The statistical package R will be used to conduct the statistical techniques discussed. Participants are encouraged to bring their own research in progress to the course. The activities will include lecture, hands-on exercises, and individual consultation. The target audience are those researchers with systematic review and meta-analysis experience, but who are interested in learning advanced methods for meta-analysis.  Knowledge of basic descriptive statistics, systematic review, and basic meta-analysis is assumed.


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